Join IndyTalks, hosted by The Nevada Independent, for an insightful discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing Lake Tahoe. This event will feature a panel of Tahoe Basin leaders who will explore what’s next for this iconic region.
Event Details:
- Date: Wednesday, September 4
- Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
- Location: National Automobile Museum Event Center, Reno
- Amy Berry, CEO of the Tahoe Fund
- Andy Chapman, President and CEO of Travel North Tahoe Nevada
- Julie Regan, Executive Director of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Moderated by: Jon Ralston, CEO/Editor of The Nevada Independent
Before or after the event, guests are welcome to tour the museum’s unique car collection, courtesy of the event hosts.
Tickets Required: All tickets must be reserved in the name of the guest, and ID is required at check-in.
Note: This event is organized by IndyTalks and The Nevada Independent. We are sharing it to keep our community informed about important discussions related to Lake Tahoe.
Suggested Questions for Attendees To Ask
- What incentives are the TRPA and Transportation Committee working on to incentivize people to leave their cars at home and take public transit? It seems the public transit that is in place has poor ridership. What will be done to increase ridership? What will be done to keep people from driving their cars anyway? Microtransit seems to serve those going to the bars or for more alcohol at the store well. How is microtransit saving any vehicle miles traveled when they only pick up a single call at a time?
- What is the purpose of constructing parking lots on the east shore if there still is no infrastructure or built trails to the lake? Is the point to build out all this at the same time? Will bus transit stops be built along Rt 28? An idea of how many?
- Has TRPA seriously considered parking lots outside the basin and an entry fee and only public transport for day trippers?
- According to a recent study on Tahoe plastic pollution, some of the most concerning microplastics are related to car tires, roadways and asphalt, construction materials, erosion control products and litter. What is being done to reduce each of these plastics?
- When is the next Environmental Threshold Report going to be presented to the public? Will there be an opportunity to ask questions and get answers?
- I understand the 39 Degree North project is going to develop an entire block. Are the trees in the middle of that block going to be cleared? It seems some should be saved and incorporated into the landscape design thereby keeping in character with the rest of the community. How tall would this project be able to go with current TRPA allowances?
- Is the workforce housing component of the 39 Degree North project going to be affordable enough for the front line workforce that services the hotel and commercial space planned? Does 50% of the workforce housing have to be affordable per the recently passed Housing Amendments? How is “affordable” defined in monthly money earned? or as a percentage of one’s monthly income? Can you clarify how this works?
- Regarding the Housing Amendments – What kind of employee would rent each – an achievable apartment, a moderate apartment and an affordable apartment? There being no parking for most of these housing units, where would those who need the use of their vehicles for jobs like home construction, landscaping and home cleaning services live?
- Does the TRPA have the ability to supersede local jurisdictions when it comes to banning the sale of single use plastic or firewood/charcoal on red flag days in grocery stores? If not, what can be done?
- How can the TRPA substantiate any increases in project height when even in Reno-Sparks you don’t see any new building over 3 stories, even in housing?
- What are the reasons why a Cumulative Environmental Impact Study hasn’t been initiated yet? The last one was in 2012 with the Regional Plan – 12 years ago and didn’t take into account the extreme fluctuations in climate changes we have since experienced, the influx of population in neighboring communities or extreme wildfires that are occurring across the west.
- We understand that wildfire preparation and evacuation planning is up to the various jurisdictions but why hasn’t TRPA conducted a roadway by roadway traffic study around the Tahoe basin to facilitate these jurisdictions in a basin-wide comprehensive evacuation plan?
- I’ve heard about resort destinations completing Carrying Capacity Studies to determine how many autos, tourists and residents a place can handle. Can you explain what a Carrying Capacity Study is and has TRPA considered doing one to help with future planning and to determine how much development, cars and people the Tahoe Basin can accommodate?
- What are some of the ways TRPA is trying to improve transparency with the public? Suggestion – More question and answer forums with the public?