Important Community Meeting on June 13, 2024, from 6-8 PM
Join us at the North Tahoe Regional Advisory Council (NTRAC) meeting to talk about important community topics, including the 39 North Project and the Kings Beach Parking Management Plan. Event PDF
NTRAC’s Role: The North Tahoe Regional Advisory Council (NTRAC) gives advice to Placer County about community issues. Your input helps make decisions that affect North Tahoe.
Why Attend?
- 39 North Project: Learn about the proposed development and how we can make it better for our community. Many residents want a smaller project that fits our town better. The developer won’t be at this meeting, but Placer County staff will share information about the project’s timeline and history. We need to ask for a clear history of the site and the RFP process to make sure we have all the correct details.
- Kings Beach Parking Management Plan: Share your ideas on how to balance parking needs, reduce traffic, and make the town more walkable. Placer County staff will present the recommendations from the Kings Beach Parking Management Implementation Plan.
Let’s make sure the 39 North project and the Parking Management Plan are good for the people who live here, not just for tourists.