Want to Create Change? Forget National Drama and Do This Instead…

Find Your Strong Circle of Influence

With a national election around the corner, it’s easy to get caught up in the drama. You can yell at the TV all you want, but let’s face it—you won’t change the outcome. So, let’s talk about something we can change: our local community, using the Strong Towns approach.

The Strong Towns Approach

At Strong North Tahoe, we follow the Strong Towns approach. This means we focus on making our community more resilient and vibrant through small, incremental changes that reflect what we actually need. Instead of waiting for big, flashy projects, we work on little things that add up to make a big difference.

The Circle of Influence

Stephen Covey’s “Circle of Influence” from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” fits perfectly with the Strong Towns approach. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Circle of Concern: This outer circle is filled with stuff we care about but can’t control, like global warming or who’s running for president. Important, yes, but it can make us feel powerless.
  • Circle of Influence: The middle circle covers things we can influence, like relationships and community projects. We can make a difference here with some effort.
  • Circle of Control: The innermost circle includes what we can directly control, like our actions and decisions. This is where we have the most power.

Instead of stressing about national politics (where we’re basically spectators), let’s focus on local issues where we can really make an impact.

Local Wins: How We Made a Difference

Parking Management Plan: In 2024, Placer County held several meetings about implementing parking management in Kings Beach. Thanks to your feedback – public comments and letters – the plan is now geared towards the interest of residents and local businesses instead of just visitors. This is a win for our community because we spoke up and got involved.

Kings Beach Vision Plan: This plan aims to make Kings Beach a better place to live, work, and play. Community input has shaped decisions, showing that our voices matter.

Why Local Engagement Rocks

  • Immediate Impact: When we engage locally, we see immediate results. Small projects or policy changes can quickly improve our daily lives.
  • Building Resilience: Local actions make our community stronger and more adaptable. By working together, we create a more resilient North Tahoe.
  • Sense of Ownership: Getting involved in local governance fosters a sense of ownership and pride in our community.

Make A Difference In Your Strong Circle of Influence

National issues are important, but the real power to make a difference lies in our local community. By focusing on what we can change, we build a stronger, more connected North Tahoe. Your involvement matters. Let’s make it happen!

  • Join the Conversation: Participate in discussions, whether in-person or online. Every voice counts in shaping our future.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with local issues and attend community meetings.

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